Saturday, January 12, 2008

Priest in the Hot Seat

On Friday 11th January the Keep the Faith groups met for their first session of 2008. The main activity was "priest in the hot seat" where the youngsters had the opportunity to ask, anonymously, any questions they wanted of Fr Marcus. Questions ranged from the deeply spiritual and moral "What happens after death?", "Is it OK for a woman to have an abortion if she has been raped?" and "Can we go to an Anglican church?" to the more mundane "Can a priest wear a tracksuit?", "Do you get bored?" and "Were you well behaved as a teenager?"Each group also had prayer time in the church, and there was time for lively games of football and dodgeball.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Catholic Social Teaching

On Sunday 6th January, The Feast of the Epiphany, Dr Alan Fimister started off the new term for Forum Christi with a talk on 'How to Save the World' (or, as he explained in his talk, why this is not possible). He introduced us to the principles behind, and aspects of, Catholic Social Teaching, which Fr Marcus described as 'the Church's best kept secret'.Supper followed at a local restaurant - a change of venue being necessary as Fr Marcus was worried he'd get a bad reputation if he was seen in the Nightingale too many times over one weekend.

The picture above shows some of the participants at the Thomistic Philosophy Seminar held at the Holy Ghost parish over the weekend. Dr Alan Fimister is second from the right.